During Christmas time, young and seasoned alike gather together for merry-making, renewal of acquaintances, reunion of family ties and spiritual reflection but most importantly and most especially, Christmas is a season to give thanks for the gift of love magnificently seen and felt at Jesus Christ’s birth.
Christmas time is also a grandiose moment for giving and sharing what we have to the less in life, to reach out to the lonely and the brokenhearted, the orphans, the sick and the aged.
There are a lot of ways to make Christmas celebration grace-filled and a worthwhile experience, one is by becoming God’s missionary of peace, love and joy to the family and the entire community. The Rotary Club of South Davao, being one of the leading civic organizations in this part of the archipelago and the most outstanding Rotary club in Rotary International District 3860 celebrates Christmas with numerous community projects to boot. After fulfilling service above self for the entire year, RCSD kick off their shoes as they party all night long at the Marco Polo Grand Ballroom with thanksgiving and happiness for the success of all their community projects for this Rotary Year.
President Casilda “Sising” Aparis, the visionary leader of the Rotary Club of South Davao for RY 2009-2010, encourages her fellow Rotarians that Christmas is a season for all of them to renew, intensify, and continue their significant projects and community outreach programs. She reminded her fellow leaders to bear in mind that they are doing all those communitarian mission to ensure brighter future for their less fortunate brothers and sisters and just because they wanted to take part in shaping the beautiful future for them and for them to enjoy a better world devoid of sufferings and disadvantages.
The Christmas Fellowship of the Rotary Club of South Davao continued with so much fun and laughter as each group present in the grand ballroom were called on the dancefloor to perform. From RCSD Female Rotarians and Spouses up to Male Rotarians and Guests, all were given equal chance to perform and show what they’ve got on the dancefloor. Dancing become the theme of the night as everyone went home with memorable dance performances to cherish, aside from the raffle gifts given to them. Up until the wee hour, RCSD family and guests kept on dancing for the 2009 RCSD Christmas Party and Fellowship!
(This article was featured by MOTLEY on Mindanao Times, the number one daily newspaper in Davao)
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