Saturday, January 22, 2011

ABES in partnership with RCSD

The Andres Bonifacio Elementary School in Talomo, Davao City is one of the best performing schools in elementary education among public schools in Talomo District. During its 34th Foundation Day celebration last November 29, 2010, pupils, parents, teachers, guests, and partner organizations of the Andres Bonifacio Elementary School gathered full of excitement and enthusiasm to make the occasion more meaningful and grace-filled, such as the Rotary Club of South Davao.

The 34th ABES Foundation Day activity commenced with a colorful parade and an entertaining opening program. ABES Music Lovers Club, Dyann Kate Rodriguez, Kate Marie Getalla, and ABES Dance Club kept the morning’s energy high and joyful with their dance and song numbers. Mr. Vicarius Abayon, ABES-SCG V-Chair gave the program’s opening remarks citing the humble days of ABES and its overflowing gratitude to its benefactors and stakeholders. Mr. Jose N. De Lara Jr., District Supervisor, inspired everyone with his speech giving emphasis on the importance of education and the role ABES play in its concrete realization. More importantly, ABES Principal, Ms. Asuncion S. Infiesto, extends her warmest thanksgiving to everyone who took part in the memorable celebration especially to the Rotary Club of South Davao.

The Calisthenics Contest became one of the highlights of the occasion as pupils from different grade levels performed at their best during the competition. It showcases different calisthenics styles in field demonstration. The pupils’ colorful costumes and props made each presentation very lively and entertaining.

The Rotary Club of South Davao headed by President William Yong, in the spirit of service above self, donated chairs to the Andres Bonifacio Elementary School Reading Center during its foundation day celebration. RCSD likewise conducted free feeding activities for the pupils as well as distribution of Vitamins and the conduct of Dental Education by Dr. Marselle Lozano and Dr. Veronica Falcon respectively, both active members of RCSD Family. Reinforcing the dental lecture from Dr. Falcon was the distribution of toothbrush with toothpaste to the pupils of Andres Bonifacio Elementary School, which were donated by Rtn. Jacob Chua.
The 34th Foundation Day of the Andres Bonifacio Elementary School was both a meaningful and memorable occasion for everyone present because it showed how strong and healthy is the partnership between Andres Bonifacio Elementary School and the Rotary Club of South Davao for the promotion of education, health and wellness to the poor but deserving children in depressed communities. Another “Rotary Service” in action.

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